Installation Precautions
NOTICE:Failuretofollowthesein- structions will void the warranty.
•Wear gloves and safety glasses for protection
•Use extreme caution when using ladders or when on roof tops
•Be aware of electrical wiring locations in walls and ceilings
The following actions will void the warranty on this product:
•Installation of any damaged venting component
•Unauthorized modification of the venting system (Do not cut or alter vent compo- nents)
•Installation of any component part not manufactured or approved by DESA Heat- ing, LLC
•Installation other than as instructed by these instructions
WARNING: Read all instruc- tions completely and thoroughly before attempting installation. Failure to do so could result in serious injury, property damage or loss of life.
Venting Installation
A 4"
The following section is provided as a guide to install a standard
Standing code requirements concerning
This gas appliance must be vented to the outdoors only and may not be terminated into an attic space or into a chimney flue servicing a solid fuel burning appliance.
This appliance may be vented through a manufactured chimney liner system if all are listed, inspected and approved by local codes and/or building authorities.
The examples shown in Figure 10, page 10, are typical of most
WARNING: This gas fireplace andventassemblymustbevented directlytotheoutside.Theventing system must NEVER be attached to a chimney serving a separate solid fuel burning appliance.
Example 1: Shows the minimum allowable sys- tem height and lateral offset for a 60° or greater inclination. Code specifies that offsets at 60° or greater are considered horizontal and must fol- low the 75% rule for lateral to total vertical sys- tem height. Codes also allows only one offset in the total system when at 60° or greater. The total vertical height in this example represents the minimum height of 8 feet and therefore the allowable lateral is 6 feet when the 75% rule applies. If the lateral length must exceed 75% then the system must be sized in accordance with the Category I venting tables.
Example 2: Shows multiple offsets each at 45° of inclination. Multiple offsets are permit- ted if they do not exceed 45° of inclination. The total lengths of the two offsets are not required to meet the 75% rule.
Example 3: Shows a single offset at 45° of inclination and therefore the lateral length at 10 feet of offset does not have to meet the 75% allowable rule.