Q u e s t i o n s A b o u t P i c k P r o g r a m s t o R e c o r d
time. This is true whether or not you also connected an
•For more about dual tuner, see page 48.
Can I recover a recorded program that was deleted?
How can I save a program longer?
•Unfortunately, there is no way to bring back a program that has been deleted from the Now Playing List. You can, however, choose to save programs longer. From the Now Playing List, highlight the program you wish to save longer and press SELECT to display the Program Information screen. Here you can choose “Save Until...” to set the number of days before a program may be deleted, or set it to “Save until I delete.”
•Be sure also that you pay attention to conflicts when setting up new recordings. You may choose not to schedule a recording if the conflict message says that doing so will delete a program sooner than you want.
•If the program was a Season Pass, you may have too many Season Pass items. In order to accommodate all of your Season Pass requests, programs may occasionally be saved for as little as one day. Try deleting some Season Pass requests.
• You can archive special recordings to a videotape to preserve them longer. From the | 8 |
Program Information screen, choose “Save to VCR.” See page 81. |
How do I check the upcoming programs that I’ve scheduled to record?
•From the DIRECTV Central screen, select Pick Programs to Record, then To Do List.