C h a p t e r 3 | T h e B a s i c s i n 5 S h o r t T o u r s |
Your personal TV preferences are just that: personal. DIRECTV
privacy policies are included in your first monthly statement, and are available online at DIRECTV.com.
Only programs airing on channels in the Channels You Receive list
can be recorded as TiVo Suggestions.
Tour 4: Find New Programs
Your DIRECTV® HD DVR makes it easy for you to find what you want to
TiVo Suggestions
TiVo Suggestions is a personalized list of shows selected to match your preferences. How is this magic possible? Any time you watch programs, live or
green THUMBS UP™ ™ button on your remote control. If you dislike it, press the red
THUMBS DOWN™ ™. You can give a program up to three Thumbs, up or down.
Over time, the more shows you rate with your Thumb buttons, the better TiVo Suggestions will be at finding programs you like. The suggestions are listed under TiVo Suggestions in order of how closely they match your preferences.
Try it! Press GUIDE to bring up the DIRECTV Advanced Program Guide™. Highlight a few programs and rate them by pressing the THUMBS UP or THUMBS DOWN
button. Then go to DIRECTV Central, then Pick Programs to Record, then TiVo Suggestions. Suggested programs based on your Thumb ratings appear in TiVo Suggestions. (If you don’t see programs yet, come back