Save to VCR
If you have a VCR, you can save a program from the Now Playing List to a videotape. Save to VCR happens in real time, so if a program is two hours long, it will take two hours to save it. You will not be able to watch live TV or recordings while saving. Programs recorded in
Preparing for Save to VCR
1.Use the FORMAT button on the HD DVR’s front panel to set the video output mode to 480i. This enables the HD DVR’s standard video jacks
2.Make sure your VCR is connected to your HD DVR. See page 18 for details.
3.Set your VCR’s input to record from your HD DVR. See your VCR’s instructions.
Using Save to VCR
1.Insert a videotape into your VCR.
2.Go to Now Playing, highlight the show you want to save, then press SELECT.
3.Highlight “Save to VCR,” then press SELECT.
4.Select “Start saving from the beginning.”
5.A title screen appears for ten seconds. When you see it, press your VCR’s record button. When the program is over, press stop on your VCR.
You can cancel saving to VCR by pressing the LIVE TV or DIRECTV button on your remote. A videotape icon appears as a warning. Press the same button again and a confirmation screen appears giving you the option to resume
saving at a later time, or cancel saving to VCR. If you choose to cancel saving, be sure to press stop on your VCR as well.
S a v e t o V C R
You can use the “Save to VCR” feature with a DVD recorder; just
connect a DVD recorder to your HD DVR instead of a VCR. The steps to follow are the same. (See your DVD recorder’s instructions for details on how to record a DVD.)
Most of the buttons on your remote that control playback work
as usual during Save to