Swing Gate Protection
| ||||||||
| C | |||||||||
| Reverse Loop |
| Minimizes the potential | |||||||||||
| Minimizes the potential of the gate |
| of the gate closing on | |||||||||||
| vehicular or other traffic | ||||||||||||
| closing when a vehicle is present. |
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| that loops cannot sense. | ||||||||||||
| Number and placement of loops is |
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| dependent on the application. |
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| C |
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| D |
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| Warning Signs | ||||||
| Shadow Loop |
| D | |||||||||||
| Permanently mounted |
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| ||||||||||||
| Provides a hold open command to |
| and easily visible from | |||||||||||
| the operator(s) only if the gate(s) |
| either side of the gate. | |||||||||||
| are at the full open position. |
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Reverse Loop
Minimizes the potential of the gate closing when a vehicle is present. Number and placement of loops is dependent on the application.
Automatic Exit Loop(Optional) will provide an open command to the gate operator(s) when a vehicle is exiting the property.
Moving Gate Can Cause
Serious Injury or Death
KEEP CLEAR! Gate may move at any time without prior warning.
Do not let children operate the gate or play in the gate area.
This entrance is for vehicles only. Pedestrians must use separate entrance.
Separate PedestrianWalkwayLocated so pedestrians cannot come in contact with the vehicular gate.
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