Operator’s Guide
Using the LCD Membrane Keypad
Special Keys
The COMMAND key allows you to go forward through the configuration menu and each configuration step (or prompt). As you go through programming, the keypad display shows any current programming already stored in the panel memory. If the information does not need to be changed, press the COMMAND key to advance to the next step. After changing programming, press the COMMAND key to advance to the next option.
Back Arrow Key
Use the Back Arrow key to back up one step during programming. The Back Arrow key is also used when an error is made while entering information. Press the Back Arrow key once to erase the last character entered.
Select Keys
The top row of keys are called the Select keys. Each time a top row Select key is to be used, the keypad displays the function or options above the key. Displaying choices above the individual top row Select keys allows them to be used for many different applications. For example, you can enter AM or PM when programming time or answer YES or NO for a NET Option.
During programming, the top row Select keys also allow you to change information currently in the panel memory. Press the appropriate Select key under the display then enter the new information through the keypad.
The Select keys are also used for choosing a programming menu. Press any one of the top row Select keys when the name of the programming section you want displays.
When the
Keypad Prompts Display Current Programming
Each prompt displayed at the keypad shows the currently selected option in the panel memory. These options are either shown as a number, a blank, or NO or YES. To change a number or blank to a new number, press any top row Select key. An underscore replaces the current option. Press the number(s) on the keypad you want to enter as the new number for that prompt.
It is not necessary to enter numbers with leading zeros. The
To change a programming prompt that requires a NO or YES response, press the top row Select key under the response not selected.
For example, if the current prompt is selected as YES and you want to change it to NO, press the third top row Select key. The display changes to NO. Press the COMMAND key display the next prompt.
Entering Alpha Characters
You can use the keypad to enter alpha characters. To enter an alpha character, press the key that has the desired letter written below it. The keypad display shows the number on that key. To change the number to a letter, press the top row Select key that corresponds to the location of the letter under the key. For example, if you press key number 1, the letters for that key are A, B, and C. Press the first top row Select key for A, the second for B, and the third for C. See the figure below.
A B C (
First Letter Second Letter Third Letter Special Character
Entering Alphanumeric Characters
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