152 Index
Connecting projector
to a computer, 40to 43
to a digital camera, 49
to audio equipment, 50to 51
to video equipment, 44 to48
Contrast setting, 100
Control Panel Lock setting, 104, 110
Customized color mode, 33
DData encryption, 88
Default settings, restoring, 99
DHCP, 65, 69, 73, 135
Digital camera, connecting to, 49
Direct Power On, 17, 112
Distance from projector to screen, 14, 141
Documentation, 8
DVD player, connecting, 44to 48
EEAP authentication, 85 to86
EAP-TLS certificate, 86 to 87
EasyMP button, 19, 29, 90
Electrical specifications, 142
E-mail alerts, 91 to93
EMP NS Connection
configuring projector for, 64 to 87
creating password for, 56
problems, 134 to136
projecting wirelessly, 53 to88
Encryption, 62, 68, 81to 83, 88
Environmental specifications, 143
accessories, 12
PrivateLine Support, 9
technical support, 9, 137 to138
Ethernet unit, optional, 90 to91
Extended menu, 111 to112
E-Zoom button, 31
FFCC compliance statement, 150
Filter, see Air filter
Focusing image, 22
Freeze button, 30
GGame color mode, 33
Gateway address, checking, 71
HHDTV images, video formats, 145
Height of image, adjusting, 22
Help system, using, 124
Help, Epson, 8, 137 to138
High altitude, 112
adjusting, 21to 25, 100to 101
blurry, 131 to132
capturing and saving in projector,
108 to 109
correcting shape, 23 to24, 104, 131
fitting on screen, 102, 130
height, adjusting, 22
positioning, 103
problems with, 128 to133
projecting on chalkboard, 33
raising, 22
selecting source, 18 to 19, 29, 45 to48
size and projection distance, 14, 141
turning off (using A/V Mute), 30
zooming, 22, 31
Image menu, 100 to101
Info menu, 127
Infrastructure mode, see Access Point mode
Input Signal setting, 103
Input signal, selecting, 18 to19, 29, 45 to48
Installing projector, 139 to140
Instant Off, 18
KKensington anti-theft device, 12, 15
Keystone correction, 23 to24, 104, 131, 141
Keyword, 56