Projector Features

Ease of use

f The A/V mute slide makes it easy to project and store

You can stop and resume projection easily by opening and closing the A/V mute slide which makes giving clear presentations easier.

f A single foot design means you do not have to make any difficult levelling adjustments

You can easily make height adjustments with one hand.

sQuick Start Guide


Enhanced security functions

f Password Protect to restrict and manage users

By setting a password you can restrict who can use the projector. s p.18

f Operation Lock restricts button operation on the control panel You can use this to prevent people from changing projector settings

without permission at events, in schools, and so on. s p.20

f Equipped with various anti-theft devices

The projector is equipped with the following security devices. s p.21

Security slot

Security cable installation point

Easy to handle

fDirect power On/Off (EMP-83/822 only)

In places where power is managed centrally, such as in a conference room, the projector can be set to power on and off automatically when the power source to which the projector is connected is switched on or off.

f No cool down delay

After turning the projector's power off, you can disconnect the projector's power cable without having to wait for the projector to cool down first.