Solving Miscellaneous Printout Problems
The margins are incorrect.
■Make sure the paper settings are correct for your paper size.
■Check your software documentation for instructions on selecting the correct margins for your paper size.
The image size or position is incorrect.
Make sure the paper and/or layout options are set correctly.
The printer prints blank pages.
■Make sure your printer is selected in your application or as the Windows default printer.
■Make you have selected the correct paper size.
■Make sure the print head nozzles are not clogged. To run a cleaning cycle, see page 107.
Solving Scanning and Copying Problems
Your page or photo doesn’t feed into the scanner or gets stuck.
■Wait until the current operation is finished. You can’t scan while copying or printing.
■Make sure the document support is installed correctly and not pushed forward.
■Make sure your document feeds in evenly. If not, press the red Cancel button and try again.
■If a document is stuck, close your application program and turn off the EPSON Stylus Scan. Then open the top cover and remove the page or photo.
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