6.If you want to scan more photos, click Yes and repeat steps 4 and 5 above. If you’re finished scanning, click No. You see your photo(s) in a window like this:
For a closer look,
7.If you’re not happy with an image, you can click the Back arrow and scan it again. When you’re done, click Finish Verification.
Then continue with the steps in “Printing Your Photos” on page 53.
Opening Images on Your Computer
1.Click on the Windows taskbar to open the Smart Panel. Then click the Photo Print icon. You see the Photo Print welcome.
2.Click Start. The Photo Print window opens.
3.Click File from Disk. You see a Select Folder window, as shown to the left.
4.Locate your image folder. Then click OK. You see your image(s) displayed briefly on the screen. Then you see the window in the next section.
Continue with the instructions on the next page.