AAS (Auto Area Segmentation), 64, 90 Accessories, 138
Adobe Acrobat Reader, 17 Adobe PhotoDeluxe, 78, 138 Advanced print settings, 45 to 48 AOL
Application Properties window, 71, 83 Applications, registering for Smart Panel,
Automatic Document Enhancement, 26 to 27 Automatic print mode, 41, 44, 126
Background printing, 44, 133 Banding, 126 to 127 Blurry printouts, 128 to 129
Browser, electronic Reference Guide, 17 Buttons, control panel, 20
Cable requirements, 139, 140 Cleaning
EPSON Stylus Scan, 117 to 118 print head, 107 to 110
Cleaning cycle, running, 107 to 110 Color management settings, 47 Color settings
Index 147