Settings for Macintosh 7-8
Entity type:
EPSONLQ2 must be displayed. To do this, click the Entity
configuration button and enter EPSONLQ2.
Entity configuration button:
Click this button and enter EPSONLQ2.
Network number set:
Select either Auto or Manual. Auto is usually preferred.
Network number for manual mode:
Type a value between 0 and 65534 when Manual is selected
for the Network number setting.
5. After making the settings, click OK. The Password dialog box
6. Enter your password (up to 20 characters) and click OK to
save settings. If you are entering a password for the first time,
click Change and set the password. For more information
about passwords, see “About passwords” on page 10-7.
Follow the on-screen instructions. After updating is complete,
refresh the configuration by selecting Refresh from the View
Since it takes 2 or 3 minutes to send new settings to the
network adapter, you must wait until the on-screen message
appears before turning off your printer.