The EpsonNet Configuration Utility 10-13

NetBEUI menu

You can configure the network adapter for NetBEU I by making

settings in the NetBEUI menu. See Chapters 5 and 6 for details.

Items Explanations
use NetBEUI Select this box when using NetBEUI.
NetBIOS name Enter the printer's NetBIOS name (up to 15 characters). Be
sure to g iv e a un iq ue n am e t ha t w ill no t c au se con fl ic ts wit h
any other device on the network.
Workgroup name Enter the workgroup name or domain name used for the
Windows network environment (up to 15 characters).
Device name Enter the printer’s device name (up to 12 characters). Do
not use LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, or COM.
OK Updates the settings.
Cancel Cancels any changes.
Help Accesses help.