The 80C286 microprocessor inside your Equity LT-286e can run at an execution speed of either 12 MHz or 8 MHz. Ordinarily, you’ll want to use the 12 MHz speed to get faster performance from your computer; a few application programs may require the 8 MHz speed. A slide switch allows you to change the speed.

The Equity LT-286e also has a built-in socket for an 80C287 math coprocessor, which you can easily install or have installed by an authorized Epson dealer or Customer Care Center.

The built-in serial and parallel interfaces allow you to attach almost any peripheral device, such as an Epson printer or external modem, to your Equity LT-286e.

You can connect a color monitor to the computer to take advantage of the color and the larger display. A slide switch lets you change between the LCD and an external CRT display. The LT-286e supports MDA, CGA, EGA, and extended EGA video modes.

You can also connect an Epson external 5 ‘/+inch diskette drive to the computer to easily exchange data with other computers that use 5 l/4-inch diskette drives.

The following optional equipment is available from your Epson dealer:c3 An 80C287 math coprocessorLI A 2400-baud, Hayes®-compatible, auto-dial internal modemLI An internal RAM memory card to expand memory to 2MBCI An external 1.2MB, 5 ‘/+inch diskette driveCl The GW-BASIC® programming languageCl An additional 20MB or 40MB hard disk drive
2 Introduction