If you need to make corrections to the settings, press N and Enter. SETUP returns to the date and time prompts, and you can make corrections to your selections.

If the settings are correct, continue with step 8, “Inserting the Install Diskette.”

When you run the SETUP program again, you are not asked to

--specify the hard disk drive types. SETUP automatically displays the type you specified the first time you ran the program.

8 Inserting the Install Diskette

Follow these steps to insert the MS-DOS Install diskette:

1.Hold the diskette with the printed label facing up and the arrow pointing into the diskette drive, as shown below.

Insert the diskette in the drive so that it clicks into place. When the diskette is all the way in, the release button pops out. For more information on inserting, removing, and caring for diskettes, see Chapter 2.

Setting Up Your System 1-21