At this point, you can format another diskette by pressing Y and Enter, or return to the MS-DOS command prompt by pressing N and Enter.

Formatting a 720KB Diskette

To format a 720KB diskette in a 1.44MB drive, follow these steps:

1.If necessary, log onto drive C. If you are not in the directory containing the file FORMAT.COM, use the CD command to change to that directory.

2.Type the following and press Enter:

FORMAT A: /F:720

You see this prompt:

Insert new diskette for drive A:

and strike ENTER when ready...

3.Insert the diskette you want to format into drive A and press Enter.

When the diskette is formatted, you see this message and prompt:

Format complete

Volume label (11 characters,

ENTER for none)?

3-16 Using MS-DOS With Your Computer