Section: 2.2 SMC network devices DET
Scali has developed a device called Direct Ethernet Transport (DET) to improve Ethernet performance. This device that bypasses the TCP/IP stack and uses raw Ethernet frames for sending messages. These devices are bondable over multiple Ethernets.
The /opt/scali/sbin/detctl command provides a means of creating and deleting DET devices. /opt/scali/bin/detstat can be used to obtain statistics on the devices. Using detctl
detctl has the following syntax :
•Adding new DET devices temporarily with the detctl utility:
root# detctl
•Removing DET devices with detctl:
root# detctl
•Listing active DET devices
root# detctl
Please note that aggregating devices usually requires a special switch configuration.
Both devices have the same Ethernet address (MAC), and so there must either be one VLAN for the eth1's and another for the eth2’s, or all the eth1's must be on one Ethernet switch, and all the eth2's on another switch.
Using detctl to add and remove devices is not permanent, as the contents of the /opt/scali/ kernel/scadet.conf configuration file takes presedence. The contents of this file has the following format:
# hca | <hca index> <ethernet devices> |
Permanent changes must be done by editing opt/scali/kernel/scadet.conf , e.g., to add permanently the example above add the following lines:
hca | 0 | eth0 | eth2 |
hca | 1 | eth1 | Using detstat
To gather transmission statistics (packets transmitted, received and lost) for a DET device use detstat. It can also be used to reset the statistics for DET devices.
detstat has the following syntax :
•root# detstat det0 #listing statistics for the det0 device, if it exists.
•root# detstat
Scali MPI Connect Release 4.4 Users Guide | 14 |