97 = System HardDrive Music Groups (sorted by Song)
98 = User HardDrive Music Groups (sorted by Song)
bbbb= group number to get titles for
cccc= starting title number
dddd= ending title number
Reply Format: ESCX2008xxxTITLE1TITLE2etc…,
Where xxx = total number of titles
Each title is made up of one item so
TITLE1 above = xxxxyyyyyyyyyy
xxxx= length of cover art url yyyyyyyyyy = cover art url
TITLE2, etc… have the same format as TITLE1
09Get title (music or movie) or station (radio) detailed information (includes Playlists because they are virtual CD titles) ESCX20090040002aa0004bbbb0004cccc0004dddd
aa= which list to get groups from, where
01 = System Music Groups (sorted by Artist)
02 = User Music Groups (sorted by Artist)
03 = System Radio Groups
04 = User Radio Groups
05 = System Movie Groups
06 = User Movie Groups
07 = System HardDrive Music Groups (sorted by Artist)
08 = User HardDrive Music Groups (sorted by Artist)
81 = System Music Groups (sorted by Title)
82 = User Music Groups (sorted by Title)
87 = System HardDrive Music Groups (sorted by Title)
88 = User HardDrive Music Groups (sorted by Title)
91 = System Music Groups (sorted by Song)
92 = User Music Groups (sorted by Song)
97 = System HardDrive Music Groups (sorted by Song)
98 = User HardDrive Music Groups (sorted by Song)
bbbb= group number to get titles for
cccc= starting title number
dddd= ending title number
Reply Format: ESCX2009xxxTITLE1TITLE2etc…,
Where xxx = total number of titles multiplied by 2,
Each title is made up of two or four items so
For Music and Radio,
TITLE1 above = xxxxXXXXyyyyYYYY
xxxx= length of item #1 (length of year/channels)
XXXX = year of title for Music, audio channels for Radio (length depends on xxxx)
yyyy= length of item #2 (length of label/location)
YYYY = record label for Music, station location for Radio (length depends on yyyy)
For Movies,
TITLE1 above = wwwwWWWWxxxxXXXXyyyyYYYYzzzzZZZZ
wwww= length of item #1 (length of year)
6325 Digital Way Indianapolis, IN 46278 317.616.6789 phone 317.616.6790 fax www.escient.com