(6)EMAIL ADDR: Input the
In Alarm Setup Menu, if the “ALARM EMAIL” is set to “YES”, this
text message and an “ARV” format of a still image from DVR when the Alarm is triggered. This “ARV” file can be played back by opening “EDRViewer.exe” that you downloaded from the DVR or
the Remote Viewer.
Note: If you are unable to play “AVI” file downloaded from “EDRViewer”, please go to the following URL: http://www.divx.com/divx/play/download/index.php
for downloading DivXPlay.exe. This will enable you to play “AVI” file successfully.
In the PASSWORD of the NETWORK SETUP MENU, we define :
(1)NAME: assign the login name for remote accessing.
(2)PASSWORD: assign the password for remote accessing.
(3)LEVEL: assign the accessing Right/Priority of that login user. “PLAY” allows users to playback the video and to see live images. “LIVE” only allows users to see live images.