3.1Time/Date Setup Menu
Diagram 3.2
Diagram 3.2 is a screen shot of the TIME/DATE SETUP MENU. This menu is used to set up the correct time and date for your region of the world. You are able to setup daylight savings as well as synch it with an internet based time server. In the TIME/DATE SETUP MENU the following fields are defined as follows:
1.TIME FORMAT: This field represents the time format on the DVR. You can select between 12 HOUR and 24 HOUR format.
2.TIME: This field represents the current time on the DVR. To change this, simply use the Jog Dial on the DVR.
The Time is represented as follows:
Hour: 00~23 (1~12 if TIME FORMAT is 12 HOUR): Minute: 00~59: Second: 00~59
3.DATE FORMAT: This field represents the date format on the DVR. To change this, simply use the Jog Dial on the DVR. There are three date formats which are
4.DATE: This field represents the date on the DVR. To change this, simply use the Jog Dial on the DVR.
The date is represented as follows:
Year: 2000~2099 / Month: 01~12 / Date: 01~31 / Day of Week (automatically changes)