SVS 100 Operation 3-5

Genlock controls and indicators
A genlock (black burst generator) device can be connected to the SVS 100 to
synchronize it with other system components for seamless vertical interval
switching between sources. See Genlock and Vertical Interval Switching in the
previous chapter.
Burst lock LED — This LED indicates that the SVS 100 switcher is genlocked
to the external black burst sync signal.
Horizontal Phase button and LED — This button
enables the horizontal phase adjustment. The
horizontal phase value is changed infrequently; to
prevent inadvertent changes to the value, the user
must press and hold down the Horizontal Phase
button for 2 seconds before the horizontal phase
adjustment is enabled. When enabled, the
Horizontal Phase LED lights and the LCD displays
the Horizontal Phase menu. The horizontal phase
can be increased or decreased from 0 to 255 by
rotating the encoder knob while observing the
output and the LCD setting.
Sub Phase button and LED — This button enables
the sub phase adjustment. The sub phase value is
changed infrequently; to prevent inadvertent
changes to the value, the user must press and hold
the Sub Phase button down for 2 seconds before the
sub phase adjustment is enabled. When enabled,
the Sub Phase LED lights and the LCD displays the
Sub Phase menu. The sub phase can be increased
or decreased from 0 to 255 by rotating the encoder
knob while observing the output and the LCD
Picture controls and indicators
Color button and LED — This button enables the
adjustment for color intensity. When the button is
pressed, the Color LED lights and the color
adjustment screen is displayed on the LCD. The
color is adjusted by rotating the encoder knob while
observing the output and the LCD setting. The
color can be increased or decreased from 0 to 100
(default is 80).
Tint button and LED — This button enables the
tint adjustment. When this button is pressed, the
Tint LED lights and the tint adjustment screen is
displayed on the LCD. The tint is adjusted by
rotating the encoder knob while observing the
output and the LCD setting. The tint can be
increased or decreased from 0 to 32 (default is 16).
Brightness button and LED — This button enables
the brightness, or light intensity, adjustment.
When the button is pressed, the Brightness LED
lights and the brightness adjustment screen is
displayed on the LCD. The brightness is adjusted