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Appendix B. Troubleshooting tips
Appendix B.1. Connection Tips & Hints
When using the FieldServer as an N2 Client, make very sure that it is the only Client / master on the N2 network. If there is another Client on the network there will be communication conflicts. These will be reflected on the FieldServer as protocol errors.
Appendix B.2. Offline Behavior
When the Client node on the FieldServer goes offline, the corresponding data objects on the FieldServer are also marked offline. If a client polls a virtual FieldServer node for this particular data, therefore, an offline response will be returned by the FieldServer. A request from an master device for a FieldServer to identify itself would be met by a valid response, however. This could lead to confusion and status toggling. This can be addressed using Responsible Map Descriptors and by configuring the virtual FieldServer using the Offline_Method option. Please refer to the Configuration Manual for further information.
Appendix B.3. Tip on Overrides
It is important that there be only one device (including the slave device itself) updating a point which is in overridden mode. The reason for this is that the value of the point could be changed by an update from a
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web:www.fieldserver.com Tel: (408)