Ti40, Ti45, Ti50, Ti55

Users Manual

Table 2-2. Display Screen--Descriptions

AColor paletteÑPalette used in displayed image; click to change color palette options.

Level and SpanÑMaximum, center, and minimum temperatures of the

Bcolor palette. Click temperatures to change limits of a fixed temperature range.

CCenter point temperatureÑAverage temperature of the center-most group of four pixels.

DMouse pointer and temperatureÑTemperature at the location of the mouse pointer.

Image nameÑImage name created from an assignable prefix, the date

Eimage was taken, and a sequencing number. Appears only when viewing saved images.

FBrowse image arrowsÑAppear when Browse Image function is enabled. Click to scroll to the next or the previous image.

GProgrammable button iconsÑIcons for the three programmable buttons: A, B, and C. Click icon to change button function.

HEmissivityÑUsed by camera to calculate target temperatures and location; click number to change the emissivity value.

Background temperatureÑUsed by camera to calculate target

Itemperatures and location; click number to change background temperature.

JDateÑCurrent date; click to change date.

KTimeÑCurrent 24-hour time; click to change time.

LTemperature unitsÑUsed to display camera temperature units; click to change the temperature units.

MPower sourceÑIcon indicating either AC power or battery level; click to identify remaining time available from current battery charge.
