Ti40, Ti45, Ti50, Ti55
Users Manual
minimum and maximum limits so that everything in the scene is scaled between the minimum and maximum temperature if the target temperatures are within the camera’s currently selected calibration temperature range. If the target temperatures are outside the currently selected calibration temperature range, the target is displayed in the saturation color for the current color palette (see Using Palette Saturation Colors later in this chapter).
Be sure the temperature calibration range is set properly. See Setting the Temperature Calibration Range in Chapter 6). If you have enabled the center box marker (see Chapter 4), the color palette is adjusted based on the minimum and maximum temperatures in the center box, not those in the rest of the image.
To manually adjust the color palette temperature span, tap Gas needed. Be sure the “Manual” function is enabled (refer to the procedure under Automatic Level and Span).
Automatic Level and Span
When you enable the automatic level and span function, the color palette temperatures are regularly updated to the current maximum and minimum temperatures in the image at a time interval you set (from 1/4 second to 10 seconds).
To enable automatic adjustments of the color palette temperature span:
1.Tap F.
2.Use the MOUSE controller to position the pointer over Image Settings on the popup menu and tap E.
3.Position the pointer over the Palette tab and tap E.
4.Position the pointer over the Adjustment Interval down arrow, tap E.
5.Use the MOUSE controller to scroll to the interval you want, and tap E. Select “Manual” rather than an interval to enable the Manual function.
6.Tap the TRIGGER button to accept setting change and return to scan target mode.