The preceding sections describe offline setup mode. This section


introduces online setup mode. The tedious task of setting up printer


features one-by-one from the control panel and printing and checking


the desired options on paper can be avoided by using online setup


mode. In online setup mode, printer features are set via the computer


rather than the printer control panel.


Put the printer in online setup mode, in either of the following two





Turn the printer off and then turn the printer back on while



pressing the TEAR OFF button. Hold down the button until



the printer beeps.


Issue the printer command ESC e ONLINE. This command



is valid in any emulation.


Send setup data from the computer in any of the following three





Enter setup data directly from the computer keyboard



before starting your job. With MS-DOS, hold down the Ctrl



key and type P. Data entered from the keyboard is sent



directly to the printer. When data entry is complete, hold



down the Ctrl key again and type P. This method is useful



when just a few settings need to be changed.


Use an editor program to prepare a setup data file and then



send the file to the printer using a command before starting



your job. With MS-DOS, use the COPY command. This



method is useful when settings are used repeatedly.


Write a program that enables interactive entry of setup data



on the CRT screen. This method is the most useful of the



three. This printer is provided with a floppy disk which

contains this program called DLMENU. For DLMENU, see the last section of chapter 2.

To exit from online setup mode, send EXIT as the last setup data.

For details of setup data and its format, refer to the programmer’s manual for each emulation.

Mode Setup

User's Manual
