Chapter 7 Thin Provisioning Pool Management
7.2 Functions in the Action Area for Thin Provisioning
ETERNUS Web GUI User’s Guide
Copyright 2013 FUJITSU LIMITED P2X0-1090-10ENZ0
The procedure to set the ECO mode for Thin Provisioning Pool is as follows:
1Select the TPP for which the ECO mode setting status is to be changed (multiple selections

can be made) and click [Assign ECO Mode] in [Action].

2Select the ECO mode schedule and action to be assigned and click the [Assign] button.
ECO Mode Schedule
Select the ECO mode schedule that is to be applied.
-No Change
Do not change the current setting.
Disable the ECO mode.
-ECO mode schedule name
Apply the selected ECO mode schedule.
ECO Mode Action
Select whether to enable ("ON") or disable ("OFF") the ECO mode setting. Select "No Change" to use
the current setting.
-No Change
Do not change the current setting.
Enable the ECO mode.
Disable the ECO mode.
A confirmation screen appears.