ETERNUS Web GUI User’s Guide
Copyright 2013 FUJITSU LIMITED P2X0-1090-10ENZ0
Appendix E Basic Size and MWC Input Condition for RAID Groups
This chapter describes the basic size for each RAID type and the input conditions for the Multi Writeback Count
(MWC) of each RAID group.

E.1 Basic Size for each RAID Group

This section describes the basic size for each RAID type.
The allowed input for the basic size varies depending on the RAID type, the drive configuration, and the Stripe
Depth value.

E.1.1 Basic Size when Using the Default Stripe Depth Value (For Standard, TPV, or

SDPV Type Volumes)

When using the default Stripe Depth value, refer to the following table for basic size:
Basic size of each RAID group when using the default Stripe Depth value
RAID type Drive configuration (*1) Basic size (MB) (Lowest exact MB multiple) (*2)
(Stripe Depth = 64KB (default))
Mirroring (RAID1) 1D+1M 1
High Performance
2D+2M 1
3D+3M 3
4D+4M 1
5D+5M 5
6D+6M 3
7D+7M 7
8D+8M 1
9D+9M 9
10D+10M 5
11D+11M 11
12D+12M 3
13D+13M 13
14D+14M 7
15D+15M 15
16D+16M 1