Chapter 8 Advanced Copy Management
8.1 Advanced Copy Status
ETERNUS Web GUI User’s Guide
Copyright 2013 FUJITSU LIMITED P2X0-1090-10ENZ0
The copy session status is displayed.
- Active
Operating normally
- Reserve
Session ID reserved
- Suspend
Suspended by an instruction from the host
- Error Suspend
Copy canceled due to an error
- Unknown
A status other than the ones listed above
The copy session phase is displayed. If the status is " Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.
For OPC, EC, SnapOPC, and SnapOPC+: Copying
For QuickOPC: Copying the updated areas after recording of updated areas is stopped
For Monitor: Recording the updated areas
Maintaining equivalent status of the copy source and copy destination that are duplicated after copy is
-Tracki ng
Recording only the up dated area after copy is complete
-Tracki ng & Co py
Recording the area updated during copy processing and after copy starts
Readying to start multiple copy using the Concurrent OPC.
Error Code
The error code is displayed when an error occurs. If the status is " Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.
Refer to "Appendix K Error Code" (page 1064) for details.
Time Stamp
The time when backup is complete and the time when an error occurred are displayed. If the status is "
Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.
The time stamp is updated in the following conditions:
-OPC, QuickOPC, SnapOPC, and SnapOPC+
The time stamp is updated when copy starts and when an error occurs.
The following information is displayed:
When "Status" is " Active", the backup time when the copy started is displayed.
When "Status" is " Error Suspend", the time when the error occurred is displayed.
The time stamp is updated when copy starts, restarts, and when an error occurs.
The following information is displayed:
When "Status" is " Active", the backup time when the copy started is displayed.
When "Status" is " Error Suspend", the time when the error occurred is displayed.