Chapter 8 Advanced Copy Management
8.1 Advanced Copy Status
ETERNUS Web GUI User’s Guide
Copyright 2013 FUJITSU LIMITED P2X0-1090-10ENZ0
8.1.9 Copy Path Detail
Detailed information of copy path is displayed.
The following items are displayed in the Main area:
Storage System Information
Local Device Box ID
The Box ID of the local device is displayed.
Remote Device Box ID
The Box ID of the selected remote device is displayed.
Connection Type
The connection type between the local device and the selected remote device is displayed.
Priority Level
When the local device and the selected remote device are connected by direct connection, the priority level
is displayed. If the "Connection Type" is "Remote", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.
When the local device and the selected remote device are connected by remote connection, the multiplicity
is displayed. If the "Connection Type" is "Direct", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.
Recommended Multiplicity
When the local device and the selected remote device are connected by remote connection, the
recommended multiplicity is displayed. If the "Connection Type" is "Direct", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.
Link Speed
When the local device and the selected remote device are connected by remote connection, the link speed
is displayed. If the "Connection Type" is "Direct", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.