Chapter 8 Advanced Copy Management
8.2 Functions in the Action Area for Advanced Copy
ETERNUS Web GUI User’s Guide
Copyright 2013 FUJITSU LIMITED P2X0-1090-10ENZ0
3Click the [Download] button.
A dialog box to download the file appears.
4Save the copy path information file.
The default file name is "RecPath_serial number for the ETERNUS DX Disk storage system_YYYY-MM-
DD_hh-mm-ss.bin". (YYYY-MM-DD_hh-mm-ss: the date and time when the download screen (Step 3) is
5Click the [Close] button to return to the [Copy Path] screen.
End of procedure
8.2.15 Export Storage Information
This function exports the FCRA/iSCSI-RA installation information in the ETERNUS DX Disk storage system, and
saves the information in a file.
The saved fi le can be us ed as devic e informa tion when c reating a c opy path, so that man ual regist ration of the
device information will not be required.
The procedure to export the REC device information is as follows:
1Click [Export Storage Info] in [Action].
The format of the device information file has been changed in controller firmware version V10L30. A device
information file that is obtained using an ETERNUS DX Disk storage system with controller firmware V10L3x
or later cannot be applied to an ETERNUS DX Disk storage system with V10L2x or earlier controller firmware
when creating a copy path information file. Note that a device information file that is obtained from an
ETERNUS DX Di sk storage s ystem with controlle r firmware V 10L2x or ea rlier can be applied to an ETERN US DX
Disk storage system with V10L3x controller firmware.