Chapter 11 System Management
11.1 System Status
ETERNUS Web GUI User’s Guide
Copyright 2013 FUJITSU LIMITED P2X0-1090-10ENZ0
The date and time when the event occurs are displayed.
-YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss (YYYY: Year (AD), MM: Month (01 - 12), DD: Day (01 - 31), hh: Hour (00 - 23),
mm: Minute (00 - 59), ss: Second (00 - 59))
Box ID
The Box ID is displayed.
Box ID is the information to be used for application software to define the remote device. The initial Box ID
is a device ID that is created by combining device information (series name, model, serial number, etc.).
Cache Mirroring (Current / After Power OFF ON)
The current cache mirroring setting and the cache mirroring setting after rebooting is displayed in "Current
/ After Power OFF ON" format.
I/O Offloading (Current / After Power OFF ON)
The current I/O offloading setting and the I/O offloading setting after rebooting is displayed in "Current /
After Power OFF ON" format.
Encryption Mode
The encryption mode setting is displayed.
-Fujitsu Original Encryption
-"-" (hyphen)
SMI-S (Current / After Power OFF ON)
The current Storage Management Initiative - Specification (SMI-S) setting and the SMI-S setting after
rebooting is displayed in "Current / After Power OFF ON" format.
This item is displayed only when all of the following conditions are satisfied:
-When logged in using a user account with the "Storage Management" or the "Maintenance
Operation" policy
-When using the ETERNUS DX80 S2/DX90 S2 or the ETERNUS DX410 S2/DX440 S2
When different settings are specified for "Current" and "After Power OFF ON", reboot the ETERNUS DX
Disk storage system.
This item is displayed only for ETERNUS DX8700 S2.
When different settings are specified for "Current" and "After Power OFF ON", reboot the ETERNUS DX
Disk storage system.