Chapter 5 Volume Management
5.1 Volume Status
ETERNUS Web GUI User’s Guide
Copyright 2013 FUJITSU LIMITED P2X0-1090-10ENZ0
-Tempor ary
A migration source volume that failed to delete after RAID migration is complete , a work volume that
failed to delete after TPV balancing is complete, or a work volume that failed to delete after FTRP bal-
ancing is complete.
The volume capacity is displayed.
The capacity is displayed in units of "MB", "GB", or "TB". Even when volumes are created in units of "MB", if
the volume capacity exceeds 1023.99MB, the capacity is displayed in units of "GB". If the volume capacity
exceeds 1023.99GB, the capacity is displayed in units of "TB". The capacity is rounded off to two decimal
places. To check the volume capacity in units of "MB", use CLI.
The following number is displayed:
-If the type is "WSV"
The RAID group number to which the representative volume (*1) belongs is displayed.
*1: A volume for WSV, which is created by concatenating multiple RAID groups with striping, that belongs to the
RAID group that is first in the concatenation order.
-If the type is "TPV"
The Thin Provisioning Pool (TPP) number to which the volume belongs is displayed.
-If the type is "FTV"
The Flexible Tier Pool (FTRP) number to which the volume belongs is displayed.
-If the type is not one of the types listed above
The RAID group number to which the volume belongs is displayed.
The following name is displayed:
-If the type is "WSV"
The RAID group name to which the representative volume belongs is displayed.
-If the type is "TPV"
The Thin Provisioning Pool (TPP) name to which the volume belongs is displayed.
-If the type is "FTV"
The Flexible Tier Pool (FTRP) name to which the volume belongs is displayed.
-If the type is not one of the types listed above
The RAID group name to which the volume belongs is displayed.
The encryption status is displayed.
A volume that is encrypted by CM
-"-" (hyphen)
A volume that is not encrypted (plain text volume)
A volume that is encrypted by SED
The Universal Identifier (UID) is displayed.
The UID is an identifier (storage system name) to specify a volume from the open system server. A UID is
created from the WWN of the ETERNUS DX Disk storage system and a volume number.