Dragging means pressing and holding the left button, while moving the cursor. To drag, move the cursor to the item you wish to move. Press and hold the left button while moving the item to its new location and then release it. Dragging can also be done using the Touchpad. First, tap the Touchpad twice over the item you wish to move making sure to leave your finger on the pad after the final tap. Next, move the object to its new location by moving your finger across the Touchpad, and then release your finger. (Figure
G e t t i n g t o K n o w Y o u r L i f e B o o k
The optional Quick Point device consists of a cursor control button at the lower center of the keyboard. It is roughly the same size and shape as a pencil eraser. The cursor control works the same way a mouse ball does, and moves the cursor around the display. It only requires light pressure to move; the more pressure you use, the faster the cursor will move.
The left and right buttons that are located at the top of the Touchpad are designed for use with the Quick Point control, and they function in the same manner as the lower buttons.
When used with the Quick Point button, the middle Touchpad button allows you to scroll up and down a screen.
Figure 2-14 Dragging
The Windows Control Panel allows you to customize your |
Touchpad with selections made from within the Mouse |
Properties dialog box. | Figure |
Using the scroll sensor allows you to navigate through a document quickly without using the window’s scroll bars. This is particularly useful when you are navigating through
Figure 2-15 Scrolling