F-36 PRO Laminator Operation Manual









Insert a starter board into the nip and lower the


Adjust the machine settings as shown in process


upper main roll onto it.



Press the footswitch. Once the leader board is


chart 3-4b.


Trim the print to size and trim the board to the size


through the nip, lower the upper main roll and then


rotate the crank 1/2 a turn more.



of the print.





Reinstall the infeed table.



Insert the board into the nip area and lower the


7.￿￿￿￿￿Encapsulate￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿the images.



main roll until it contacts. Turn the crank another 1/



4 of a turn and remove the board using the foot-









4.Clean the board with a tack cloth or cleaning roller.

5.Place the image face down on a flat surface and peel back the release liner on the leading edge (about two inches).

6.Lay the image on the board and align it carefully. When aligned, tack the exposed adhesive strip's center to the leading edge to the board. Work towards the edges from the center, being careful not to wrinkle the image.

7.Position the piece so that the end with the liner peeled back is facing the nip. Insert the first one inch of the board into the nip. Very carefully, wrap the print back and over the top laminating roll, maintaining good print tension throughout the mounting process. Be sure that there are no wrin- kles in the nip area. Carefully peel off the liner as the board progresses through the laminator.

8.Trim the board and image to the finished size.

-  * . 0/ 2  . 1

This process is very similar to the Two Pass Mount and Laminate￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿using￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿cold overlaminate. ￿

1.Adjust the machine settings as shown in process chart 3-5a and remove the infeed table.

2.Web up the hot overlaminate by wrapping it around the upper film idler and draping it over the upper main roll. Drape the film only about halfway down the upper main roll.

3.Pull the mount adhesive straight up from the lower unwind position, being careful not to stick the film to the machine. Tack it to the hot overlaminate.

1.Adjust the machine settings as shown in process chart 3-5b.

2.Trim the print to size and trim the board to the size of the print.

3.Insert the board into the nip area and lower the main roll until it contacts. Turn the crank another 1/ 4 of a turn and remove the board using the foot- switch.

4.Clean the board with a tack cloth or cleaning roller.

5.Place the image face down on a flat surface and peel back the release liner on the leading edge (about two inches).

6.Lay the image on the board and align it carefully. When aligned, tack the exposed adhesive strip's center to the leading edge to the board. Work towards the edges from the center, being careful not to wrinkle the image.

7.Insert the already mounted portion of the piece into the pull roll nip. Lower the upper pull roll onto the board and image. Very carefully, wrap the print back and over the upper pull roll, maintaining good print tension throughout the mounting process. Be sure that there are no wrinkles in the nip area. Carefully peel off the liner as the board progresses through the laminator. Be careful not to hit the small lip on the fan bridge to avoid damaging the leading edge of the mounted image.

8.Trim the board and image to the finished size.

© GBC Pro-Tech 1999 January


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GBC F-36 manual Insert a starter board into the nip and lower