Installing Your External Paging Adapter
Step 1: Connect Line Cord
1 Connect Line Cord
Connect one end of a long telephone line cord to the jack on the back of the feature module labeled L1/L2. Connect the other end to a jack labeled Lines 1 & 2 or to a jack labeled line 1.
PLEASE NOTE: You must be sure to connect the cord to LINE 1. It does not matter if it is also connected to line 2.
Lines 1&2
Note also that you can install your feature mod- ule into a jack that is already being used by another device. Simply unplug the other device from the wall jack and plug it into the corresponding jack on the feature module labeled “TO PHONE.” Then connect a line cord from the wall jack to the corresponding jack on the feature module labeled “TO WALL.”
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you connect both the L1/L2 and L3/L4 line cords from a device to the jacks on the module labeled “TO PHONE,” then you MUST connect both the L1/L2 and the L3/L4 line cords from the wall jacks to the jacks on the module labeled “TO WALL.”
Lines 1&2
If you wish to plug in the module to a jack that is already in use, unplug the existing device from the wall jacks, connect both of the line cords to the module as shown, and then plug the device into the jacks on the module labeled “TO PHONE.”
L1/L2 L3/L4
Lines 3&4