For meatand fish loavesuse either the round or loaf
Chickenbreas$sand pieces, or turkey parts should be placed in a
Chuck mastsshould be placed in a cooking bag with %cup water and placed in
ACook Code 7.
Fish fi!lets, whole fish or seafood pieces should be in single layer in flat pie plate or oblong dish to fit. Cover with plastic wrap or wax paper. Use Auto Cook Code 4 for fillets and Auto Cook Code 2 for seafood pieces.
F%rkchopsautomatically cook well in 8 x 12 x
Spare ribsand brisketshould be automatically cooked in oblong glass container. Cover with plastic wrap. Make sure liquid covers meat. Microwave using Auto Cook Code 7,
to u
To adapt your casserole recipes for Automatic Cooking.
1.Select recipes that do not require adding ingredients at different stages during cooking or recipes that require extra attention, stirring or rotating.
3.For saucy casseroles, cover con- tainer with lid or wax paper. (No vents.) For cheese or
4.Aliow precooked ingredients or hot sauces to cool slightly before adding other ingredients,
5.Meats and vegetables should be submerged in liquid.