@waseen fi!hrcmghgkiss control panel after knob is removed.)
The temperature on your new oven has been accurately set at the fac- tory. However, if your food consist- ently browns too much or too little, you may make a simple adjustment behind your OVEN TEMP Knob. To readjust your thermostat:
@Rotate OVEN TEfViPKnob to CLEAN position and pull knob off the shaft revealing area behind knob.
@Insert the tip of a 3/16” standard screwdriver, into the indented area directly under the notch and turn in
—the desired direction. Be careful not to scratch glass control panei.
To increase oven temperature move diai one notch counterclock- wise. To iower oven temperature,
move diai one notch ciockwise. (Each notch represents approxi- mately 150.)
IS Return knob to the range by matching the fiat area of the knob to the shaft.
@Recheck oven performance before making an additional adjustment.
The oven is vented through a duct that’s located orI the right side of the oven just above th~ door handie (see page 6). Moisture and vapors from the oven are vented through it when oven is in use. Never cover the hoie in the duct. To do so pre- vents it from functioning properiy during cooking and cieaning.
C3WiiK)hk Before replacing your oven iiarnpbulb, disconned the electric power for your Cooking Center at h main fuse or circuit Meaker pand. Be sure to iet the iamp cover and buib cooi completely before removing or repiacing them.
The oven iamp (buib) is covered with a giass removabie cover which is heid in piace with a
To remove:
~F?epiacebuib with
To replace cover:
@Piace it into groove of iamp receptacle. Puii wire baii forward to center of cover untii it snaps into piace. When in piac~, wire hoids cover firmiy. Be certain wire baii is in depression in center of cover.
@Connect e!ectric power to oven.
if you wish, you may iine the broiier pan with aiuminum foii and cover the rack with it for broiiing. ALWAYS BE SURE TO MOLD THE FOiL THOROUGHLY TO THE BROiLER RACK AND SLiT THE FOiL TO CONFORM WiTH SLiTS iN THE RACK. Stopping fat and meat juices from draining into the broiier pan prevents the rack from serving its purpose and MAY LET JUiCES