The Web-enabled computer has to be connected to the same sub-network as the phone. This can easi- ly be done by connecting the computer to the same hub or switch as the phone is connected to. In ab- sence of a hub/switch (or free ports on the hub/switch), please connect the computer directly to the phone using the PC-port on the phone.

If the phone is properly connected to a working Internet connection, the phone will display its IP ad- dress. This address has the format: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, where xxx stands for a number from 0-255. You will need this number to access the Web Configuration Menu. e.g. if the phone shows, please use “” in the address bar your browser.

The default administrator password is “admin”; the default end-user password is “ 123”.

NOTE: When changing any settings, always SUBMIT them by pressing the button on the bottom of the page. Reboot the phone to have the changes take effect. If, after having submitted some changes, more settings have to be changed, press the menu option needed.


This section will describe the options in the Web configuration user interface. As mentioned, a used can log in as an administrator or end-user.

Functions available for the end-user are:

Status: Displays the network status, account statuses, software version and MAC-address of the phone

Basic: Basic preferences such as date and time settings, multi-purpose keys and LCD settings can be set here.

Additional functions available to administrators are:

Advanced Settings: To set advanced network settings, codec settings.

Account: To configure each of the SIP accounts.

FXO Settings: This is only applicable on GXV3005.

FXS Settings: This is only applicable on GXV3006.








Hardware Revision


Hardware version number: Main Board, Interface Board













Part Number


This field contains the product part number













MAC Address


The device ID, in HEX format. This is a very important ID for ISP troubleshooting.













IP Address


This field shows IP address of GXV300x


















Product Model


This field contains the product model information.


















Software Version


Program: This is the main firmware release number, always used for identify the whole





software (or firmware) system of the phone.





Loader: Driver loader code version number.





Boot: Booting code version number







System Up Time

This field shows system up time since the last reboot.

Grandstream Networks, Inc.

GXV300x User Manual

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Updated: 12/2010

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Image 25
Grandstream Networks GXV300X manual Definitions