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Recipes (cont.)
Steamed Salmon with Brown Rice
2 salmon fillets (wild Alaskan,
2 teaspoons (10 ml) ground ginger
3tablespoons (45 ml)
1garlic clove, minced
2teaspoons (10 ml) dark brown sugar 1/2 teaspoon (2.5 ml) chili flakes
1green onion or shallot, sliced Salt and pepper, to taste Brown rice (uncooked)
Place steamer basket on plate (to catch any drippings). Mix ginger, soy sauce, garlic, dark brown sugar, and chili flakes. Rub fish fillets with mixture and place in refrigerator to marinate for approximately 30 minutes.
Measure brown rice according to desired servings/package directions. Fill cooking pot to corresponding water line (see Rice Chart for addi- tional information). Chicken or vegetable stock/broth may also be substituted for water.
Set Simplicity Cooker: Whole
Cook an additional
Servings: 2
Steamed Shrimp with Vegetables
1 pound (450 g) large frozen shrimp
1 cup (250 ml) sugar snap peas
3/4 to 1 cup (175 to 250 ml) red bell pepper, sliced 1/2 to 3/4 cup (125 to 175 ml) onion, sliced
1 cup (250 ml) chopped pineapple (in juice)
Place desired amount of white rice into cooking pot. Fill cooking pot with water to corresponding water line.
Set Simplicity Cooker: White Rice
While rice is cooking, chop vegetables and thaw shrimp under cold running water. After approximately
Cook approximately 10 minutes or until shrimp are opaque and veggies slightly tender. When cooking cycle is completed, toss shrimp, vegetables, pineapple, and rice with teriyaki sauce and serve.
Servings: 4