Syntax: PAUSE
The PROMPT command maintains the PROMPT environment variable that is used by COMMAND.COM to display something before the user is asked to
The default PROMPT variable is $n$g. This has the effect of showing the current drive letter followed by a
Syntax: PROMPT string
The RD command removes a subdirectory from a root directory or of a subdirectory. This command can only be used to delete directories, and cannot be used to delete files, even if they are inside the directory to be removed. Conversely, the DEL command cannot delete directories; only the files they contain. If a drive is specified, then the directory on the specified drive is removed. Otherwise, the default drive is assumed.
Syntax: RD [drive:]path
The REM command provides a simple way of entering a
Syntax: REM any comment
The REBOOT command will reset the terminal.
Syntax: REBOOT
The REN command renames a file or group of files. Files cannot be moved in the directory structure with this command; instead, only their filenames are altered within the directory in which they reside. Wildcards may be used in the second pathname to indicate that the characters in that component of the first filename are to be kept
Syntax: REN [drive:][path]filespec filespec
The SHIFT command allows access to multiple batch file arguments. The command shifts the contents of the 9 batch file arguments so that %2 is copies into %1, %3 is copies into %2 and so on.
Syntax: SHIFT
The SET command displays the entire environment space (one variable per line), or changes the assignment of one variable in the environment space. If no operands are specified, then the SET command simply displays all of the environment variables in the environment space. If a variable name and an equal sign is given, but no string is specified, then the variable name is removed from the environment space. If the string is specified, then the previous definition of the variable is deleted, and the new one is installed in the environment.