System Configuration
nel presentation to all speakers, regardless of the number of speakers in use. See page 27 for a complete explanation of the 5 Stereo and 7 Stereo modes. After the selections are made on the Dolby, DTS, Logic 7, DSP (Surround) or stereo menus, press the ⁄/¤ Buttons n so that the cursor moves to the BACK TO MASTER MENU line and presss the Set
Button p.
Speaker Setup
This menu tells the AVR 520 which type of speakers are in use. This is important as it adjusts the settings that determine which speakers receive
After the selections are made on the Dolby DTS, Logic 7 DSP (Surr) or stereo menus, press ⁄/¤ Buttons n, so that the cursor moves to the BACK TO MASTER MENU line and press ther Set Button p.
It is easiest to enter the proper settings for the speaker setup through the SPEAKER SETUP menu (Figure 5). If that menu is not already on your screen from the prior adjust- ments, press the OSD Button v to bring up the MASTER MENU (Figure 1), and then press the ¤ Button n twice so that the cur- sor is on the SPEAKER SETUP line. At this point, press the Set Button p to bring up the SPEAKER SETUP menu (Figure 5).
* S P E A K E R | S E T U P * | |||
| |
L E F T / R I G H T : | S M A L L |
| |
| |
C E N T E R | : | S M A L L |
| |
S U R R O U N D | : | S M A L L |
| |
S U R R B A C K | : | S M A L L |
| ||
S U B W O O F E R | : | S U B ( L F E ) |
| |
S U B X - O V E R F R E Q : 8 0 H Z | ||||
R E T U R N T O | M A S T E R M E N U |
Figure 5
When the SPEAKER SETUP menu first appears, the
When SMALL is selected,
When LARGE is selected, a
When you have completed your selection for the front channel, press the ¤ Button n on the remote to move the cursor to CENTER.
Press the ‹/› Buttons o37 on the remote to select the option that best describes your system, based on the speaker definitions shown below.
When SMALL is selected,
When LARGE is selected, a
NOTE: If you choose Logic 7 as the surround mode for the particular input source for which you are configuring your speakers, the AVR 520 will not make the LARGE option available for the center speaker. This is due to the require- ments of Logic 7 processing, and does not indi- cate a problem with your receiver.
When NONE is selected, no signals will be sent to the
be sent to the left and right front channel outputs. When only front left and right speak-
ers are used, with no center or surround speak- ers, VMAx is a good alternative mode.
When you have completed your selection for the center channel, press the ¤ Button n on the remote to move the cursor to
Press the ‹/› Buttons o 37 on the remote to select the option that best describes the sur- round speakers in your system based on the speaker definitions shown on this page.
When SMALL is selected,
When LARGE is selected, a
When NONE is selected,
If the 6.1/7.1 configuration has been selected in the SURROUND SELECT menu, an additional configuration line is available on the menu screen to set the speaker type for the speakers connected to the Surround Back
Preamp Outputs 38 through an optional, external power amplifier. The choices and pro- cedure for configuring these speakers are iden- tical to those shown above for the main sur- round speakers.
When you have completed your selection for the surround channels, press the ¤ Button n on the remote to move the cursor to SUBWOOFER.
Press the ‹/› Buttons o 37 on the remote to select the option that best describes your system.
The choices available for the subwoofer posi- tion will depend on the settings for the other speakers, particularly the front left/right posi- tions.
If the front left/right speakers are set to SMALL, the subwoofer will automatically be set to SUB, which is the “on” position.