Henny Penny OE-100 manual Contactors, Test Points, Results, Heat Contactor, Primary Contactor

Models: OE-100

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Henny Penny

Model OE-100


The following checks are performed with the wall circuit breaker closed and the Power switch in the ON position. Extreme caution should be taken. Make connections before applying power, take reading, and Remove power before removing meter leads.

1.With power applied, increase setpoint temperature setting allow- ing heat contactor to activate.

Test Points


Heat Contactor

The voltage

from terminal 34 to 35

should read the

from terminal 35 to 36

same at each

from terminal 34 to 36


Test Points


Primary Contactor

It should

from terminal 27 to 28

correspond to

from terminal 28 to 29

the voltage

from terminal 27 to 29

rating stated on


the data plate.

If either contactor is defective, it must be replaced as follows:

1.Remove electrical power supplied to the fryer by unplugging or opening the wall circuit breaker.

2.Remove only those wires directly connected to the contactor being replaced. Label the wires.

3.Remove the two mounting screws on the base plate and remove contactor.

4.Install the new contactor and tighten the two mounting screws.

5.Connect the labeled wires to their respective positions.

6.Install the control panel.

7.Reconnect power to the fryer and test the fryer for proper operation.



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Henny Penny OE-100 manual Contactors, Test Points, Results, Heat Contactor, Primary Contactor