3.Scroll through the list and select a chase to program by pressing STORE. A previously programmed chase will have a name. You may overwrite or edit such chases.
Note: A chase memory may be cleared by pressing the Clear button and then pressing STORE to confirm that you really want to clear.
6.If you have not entered a Fade time and a Hold time for each step in the chase, you will need to set the global time; this will apply to all steps in the chase. Adjust the global time using the trackball.
You may select audiosync to synchronise the stepping of the chase to the bass beat of the music or bumpsync to synchronise with presses of the Go button (when in RUN MODE.
A further press will remove both synchronisation options. The display indicates any synchronisation chosen.
Press STORE to save the chase.
4. Scroll through the scene list to find the scene you want for this chase step. Press STORE.
•Press Prog/Edit
•Press Chase•Select a chasememory•Select a scene for each step. Set step attributes •Press STORE •Name the chase7.Name the chase. See earlier sec- tions for a full description of the method. Press STORE to save, then ESCAPE back through the levels.