14.DMX Break. Default 033. For use with DMX devices where signal elements are outside the stan- dard tolerance.

15.Autocheck Edits. Default ON. Checks for programming errors and corrupt data held in memory. Details are displayed.

16.Blackout Total. Default OFF. Only channels of the type Shutter and Dimmer are affected by the operation of the Blackout switch. When Blackout Total is ON, all channels are blacked out.

17.Speed as BPM. Default OFF. Moving Zone step times are expressed in minutes/seconds/tenths per complete cycle of the zone channels. When switched ON, the run speed of zone steps is expressed in beats per minute.

18.Send keys as MIDI. Default ON. Must be enabled for MIDI communication.

19.MIDI Channel No. Default 000. Sets a specific MIDI receive channel.

20.MIDI Omni On. Default OFF. When set to ON, the Power Cue DMX receives on all MIDI channels 0-15.

21.Scenes to Fadeout. Default OFF. Fade-out times on static scenes are ignored as they could clash with fade-in times on subsequent scenes.

22.Install SYS & FIXT. Default OFF. Selection of NewSys updates the operating system only and NewFixt updates the fixtures library only. When set to ON, both the operating system and the fixture library will be updated by the command sequence Card - System - NewSys.

23.Auto Repeat Shows. Default OFF. When played back a show runs once only. Shows may be set to run in a continuous loop by setting this option ON.

24.Offer Lamp Strike. Default OFF. Some intelligent fixtures require that the lamp is

specifically switched on before they may be used. If set to ON, the display prompts you on power-up after the opening Power Cue DMX display- ‘Strike fixture lamps. STORE: Strike,

ESC: Cancel.’ Lamp channels must be programmed into scene no. 496. Pressing STORE to activate lamp strike calls scene 496.

25.Auto Lamp Strike. Default OFF. Some intelligent fixtures require that the lamp is specifically

switched on before they may be used. Set to ON to make this operation automatic. If set to ON, the display shows ‘Striking Lamps’ on power-up after the opening Power Cue DMX display.Lamp channels must be programmed into scene no. 496.

26.Pre-Show Blackout. Default ON. To avoid a conflict of instructions it is usual to turn off all channels called by a show just before the show starts to run. This option performs that task automatically.

27.Autoplay Key. Default 0. Any Look (stored snapshot) may be set to run automatically on power-up. This option tells the Power Cue DMX where to find that Look.

28.Enable Capture. Default = OFF. See pages 60-61.

29.MIDI Tx/Rx Offset. Default = 0. See pages 72-73. The default MIDI map starts at MIDI note 0 in push button 1 on page 1. This value may be changed using this option.