Output Signal ON/OFF Delay Function – Intelligent outputs including terminals [11]
and the output relay, have configurable signal transition delays. Each output can delay
either the OFF-to-ON or ON-to-OFF transitions, or both. Signal transition delays are
variable from 0.1 to 100.0 seconds. This feature is useful in applications that must tailor
inverter output signals to meet timing requirements of certain external devices.
“C”Function Defaults
SRWDisplay Description
Terminal [11] ON delayC144

DLAY 11 000.0s

Range is 0.0 to 100.0 sec. U0.0 0.0 sec.
Terminal [11] OFF delayC145

HOLD 11 000.0s

Range is 0.0 to 100.0 sec. U0.0 0.0 sec.
Output relay ON delayC148

DLAY RY 000.0s

Range is 0.0 to 100.0 sec. U0.0 0.0 sec.
Output relay OFF delayC149

HOLD RY 000.0s

Range is 0.0 to 100.0 sec. U0.0 0.0 sec.
NOTE: If you are using the output terminal OFF delay feature (any of C145, C149 > 0.0
sec.), the [RS] (reset) terminal affects the ON-to-OFF transition slightly. Normally (with
using OFF delays), the [RS] input causes the motor output and the logic outputs to turn
OFF together, immediately. However, when any output uses an OFF delay, then after
the [RS] input turns ON, that output will remain ON for an additional 1 sec. period
(approximate) before turning OFF.


Configuring Drive
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