The following table lists the holding registers for the “B” Group Fine Tuning Functions.

Listof Holding Registers
Code Name R/W Description Reg. Range Res.
B001 Selection of automatic
restart mode
R/W Select inverter restart method,
Four option codes:
00}Alarm output after trip, no
automatic restart
01}Restart at 0Hz
02}Resume operation after
frequency matching
03}Resume previous freq. after
freq. matching, then
decelerate to stop and
display trip info
10A5h 0, 1, 2, 3
B002 Allowable under-
voltage power failure
R/W The amount of time a power
input under-voltage can occur
without tripping the power
failure alarm. Range is 0.3 to 25
sec. If under-voltage exists
longer than this time, the
inverter trips, even if the restart
mode is selected.
10A6h 3 to 250 0.1 sec
B003 Retry wait time before
motor restart
R/W Time delay after under-voltage
condition goes away, before the
inverter runs motor again.
Range is 0.3 to 100 seconds.
10A7h 3 to 1000 0.1 sec
B004 Instantaneous power
failure / under-voltage
trip alarm enable
R/W Two option codes:
10A8h 0, 1
B005 Number of restarts on
power failure / under-
voltage trip events
R/W Two option codes:
00}Restart 16 times
01}Always restart
10A9h 0, 1
B011 Start freq to be used in
case of freq pull-in
R/W Three option codes:
00}freq at previous shutoff
01}start from max. Hz
02}start from set frequency
1170 0, 1, 2
B012 Level of electronic
thermal setting
R/W 10ADh
B212 Level of electronic
thermal setting, 2nd
Set a level between 20% and
100% for the rated inverter
current. 1527h
2000 to
0.01 %
B013 Electronic thermal
R/W 10AEh
B213 Electronic thermal
characteristic, 2nd
Select from three curves, option
codes: *1
00}Reduced torque 1
01}Constant torque
02} Reduced torque 2
0, 1, 2


Appendix B
B 31
Appendix B