LoopbackTest [08h]:
This function checks a master-slave transmission using any test data. An example
xSend test data to an inverter having slave address “1” and receiving the test data
from the inverter (as a loopback test).
Query: Response:
No. FieldName Example
(Hex) No. FieldName Example
1 Slave address *1 01 1 Slave address *1 01
2 Function code 08 2 Function code 08
3 Test subcode
(high order)
00 3 Test subcode
(high order)
4 Test subcode
(low order)
00 4 Test subcode
(low order)
5 Data (high order) Any 5 Data (high order) Any
6 Data (low order) Any 6 Data (low order) Any
7 CRC-16 (high order) CRC 7 CRC-16 (high order) CRC
8 CRC-16 (low order) CRC 8 CRC-16 (low order) CRC
Note1: Broadcasting is disabled.
When test subcode is for echo (00h, 00h) only and not available to the other commands.


Appendix B
B 14
Appendix B