3. How to use Projector software – Basics -


[“MIU Live Viewer” window: Fig. 3.1.3.a]

1)“File” button


2)“Help” button

Display “MIU Live Viewer” information.

3)Stop button

Disconnect projector connection.

4)Capture start button Start real time display.


Pictures are not displayed correctly when the start/stop buttons are clicked repeatedly.

5)Minimize button

Close “MIU Live Viewer” window and display “MIU Live Viewer” as icon on the task tray.

6)“Option” button Display Option window.

7)“Refresh” button

Refresh the current PC network setting.

8)“Exit” button

Terminate “MIU Live Viewer”.

9)“Find” button

Search connectable projectors.

10)“One-click” button

Connect projector and PC without network setting of the PC.

11)“Enable Device”

Display network-connectable projector list.

NOTE • When Multi PC mode is not selected, if there is no other PC connected, the last image will be held on screen until getting out of Live Mode or turning the projector off. 7KDQNVWRWKHIHDWXUHWKH3&FDQEHXVHGWRSUHSDUHWKHQH[WSUHVHQWDWLRQ¿OH or others without showing it on screen if the communication to the projector is turned off.


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Hitachi CP-X268AWF user manual +RZWRXVH³0,80,8/LYH9LHZHU´&RQWLQXHG, MIU Live Viewer window .1.3.a, File button