Uninstalling Software
[When using Windows]
Use “Control Panel” to open “Add or Remove Applications”, choose the application to be uninstalled from the displayed list of applications, and then click the “Change/Remove” button.
•After uninstalling software, be sure to restart the PC.
•Administrator authority is required for uninstallation.
[When using Macintosh]
Manually move the following folders/files installed to Recycle Bin:
/Application/ImageMixer 3 for DVDCAM /User/Movies/ImageMixer 3 for DVDCAM /User/Library/Application Support/ImageMixer 3 for DVDCAM /User/Library/Preferences/com.PIXELA.ImageMixer 3.DVDCAM.plist /Library/Receipts/ImageMixer 3 for DVDCAM.pkg
•“User” will depend on the login user name.
•Administrator authority is required for uninstallation.
Contact The Following
●Inquiries on software provided with this DVD video camera/recorder should be directed to:
PIXELA PC Software Support Center
●For inquiries on connections between PC and this DVD video camera/ recorder:
DVDCAM PC Software Support Center