Remote Control Illustration.
4 Press the CH (_/Y) button or the number buttons to select the channel you want to record. for the longest recording time on a single tape).
Example: Select channel 8.
•100lENT and (2) and (4) for the channel 124.
Remote Control Illustration.
5Press the REC button on the remote control or the REC/IRT button on the VCR. Recording will start and the REC indictor on the VCR will appear.
_P_eSS t_e P_USE b_tton tese!t _eV¢ Rto_he re_ding pauSemOde Ptes_e bbttod again ta re_start _eC0_ding
,_If yo_ stayih PAUSE m0de for more than 5 n nutes :the VCR:aut0rr=atical/_ SWitches t0 S_O_ node
6 Press the STOP button to finish recording.